For the past few years, I have been doing my best to use only natural and organic skincare products, as well as makeup products when I can. Part of that has been a struggle (as I shared in my recent makeup book), because I haven’t found many natural and organic makeup products that perform as well as their conventional counterparts. With skincare, I figure as long as my skin looks and feels good, natural and organic work just fine. I may be shifting my mindset on that, though, and here’s Why I Am Reconsidering My Stance on Natural Skincare Products.
The ideas above are why on most days, I use a bunch of products that don’t necessarily produce the best makeup results possible, but are made with ingredients I’ve believed to be safe. I figure on most days, my makeup doesn’t have to be magnificent. In fact, most days I don’t wear makeup at all, and then my second most frequently done face is a five-minute look (like I teach in my course and my book).
My personal makeup kit is a combination of products that are my day-to-day makeup, which is in that natural and organic umbrella, as well as more professional products, which are conventional (and have chemicals in them that the natural and organic world might shun), which I use for date nights, special occasions, and when I have photoshoots (as a model).
My professional kit has almost no natural and organic products, because most of the time, that makeup is used for on-camera work that involves 8K video or a still camera that has two bazillion megapixels, and it has to be perfect!
I recently read an article that kind of put me in my place, however. You can check it out here, but to sum up, it’s a concept I used to use when I was an active Beachbody coach building my business and someone told me they preferred getting their nutrients through natural foods as opposed to supplements – that the world we lived in has evolved, presenting us with more demanding and harsh challenges, so using technology as it evolves to combat it is smart and necessary.
Our skin is faced with pollutants in the air and exposure to more blue light (from our devices, although I love using the apps like f.lux to limit them, especially at night), plus as we know, our ozone layer is depleting. So why wouldn’t I harness the power of good technology to fight those things in the same way I try to eat as much organic as I can, but don’t have a problem with supplementing with Shakeology, collagen, greens, and the occasional protein bar when I know it’ll help? This is Why I Am Reconsidering My Stance on Natural Skincare Products!
As I approach 40, I want to make sure that I age gracefully. I am not going to do it at the expense of my health overall (so you won’t see me disregarding known toxins in exchange for beauty), but I do want to be open to the variety of options available that can help me look great and feel great about myself (which should be no surprise from the woman behind Look Better, Feel Better, and Be Better with Mandie Brice!
That’s why I am excited to embrace a wider variety of makeup and skincare products. But, I want to do it in an informed an intentional way, which means I intend to learn more about which of these ingredients are safe, and which I should try to avoid. Our skin is our largest organ, so I am not eager to have it absorb hormone-altering chemicals and other dangerous ingredients. I’ll definitely be researching before I cover my body or face in anything!
I know that the Think Dirty App is one great place to start, so I will be running new potential purchases through there to see if there are specific things that I should be careful about limiting my exposure.
I doubt it’ll really change my makeup routines and options there – I’ll still use my favorite organic stuff most of the time, and carefully chosen conventional options for rare occasions that I really need to look great. But now you know Why I Am Reconsidering My Stance on Natural Skincare Products and might more frequently include options that are a great and safe balance between science and nature!
How about you? What are the most important considerations for you when you select your makeup and skincare products?
Would you be interested in seeing my favorites from my natural and organic choices for my day-to-day makeup?

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