Oh man… I think that I have been stuck in the house long enough with just a baby and a dog that I am learning from my interactions with them! As a “work from home” mom (in a pandemic no less) I really don’t get out much. Even before motherhood and before the pandemic, I was pretty much a homebody. So I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised to be learning life lessons from my dog! When we adopted Quentin Quarantino, we definitely got into a situation with a quarantine pet who is accustomed to having his humans home all the time! On top of that, he has anxiety! That’s what makes this meme extra funny to me:

I definitely have all the boxes checked, although we didn’t check adopt Q until I was almost 40!
The other day, I was getting ready to go out to a socially distant lunch. Since I don’t usually wear my hair down or wear makeup (I know, weird. for a makeup artist?) these days, Q could tell I was getting ready to *gasp* leave the house!
Since I am generally not that glamorous, and don’t wear makeup or do my hair for our walks, I think he was also pretty sure that he was being left behind. This was not true, however, because I fully intended to bring him to this dog friendly patio for lunch!
Since I didn’t really have a way to tell him this though, anxiety crept in! He began misbehaving, grabbing things he normally wouldn’t grab, and being a general pain in the butt – his only way of protesting being left alone.
I kept saying “stop worrying, you’re coming with me! I will be with you you have nothing to worry about!”
And as I did this, I couldn’t help but wonder how often God did the same thing about me. How often did I let anxiety completely take over and worry about stuff when God it was just up there saying “hey, you have nothing to worry about! I will be with you! Chill out!!” I bet it’s all the time!
This brings me to a Bible verse I found in Jesus Calling* that has become a favorite of mine…
So, next time you find yourself in a tizzy, maybe it will help to remember that you aren’t going to be left alone, and everything’s going to be fine.
This analogy probably also extends both to when Q is about to get to go on a walk and delays the walk by acting wild and grabbing shoes and refusing to sit (self-sabotage?) and/or to when the leash is wrapped around his leg and making it hard for him to walk and all he needs to do is pause and let me untangle him, but I think we’ve maxed out on wisdom from the dog for now. 🐶 😜
Thank you, genuinely, for reading this life lessons from my dog! More soon…
Mandie Brice
*affiliate link… I get a few pennies for recommending via Amazon. Thanks in advance!

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