Hello! I hope the end of 2019 and the 2010s are treating you kindly! Did that headline catch your attention? Do you want to Start 2020 “Confident as FU*K!*“?
In case you’re wondering why I’m alluding to profanity when I usually keep things rated G, it’s because it’s the name of a book!
Recently, my online book club and I read “The 30-Day Money Cleanse*” by one of my past podcast guests, Ashley Feinstein-Gerstley, and loved it. We even got to have a great conversation with the author!
I wanted to repeat the process twelve times in 2020, as part of a guide I am coming up with! We’re starting with a new book written by another past podcast guest, Elle Russ (who was from the NINTH episode – an OG!).
If you haven’t figured it out, it’s called “Confident As FU*K!” which is why I thought it’d be great way to ring in the new year! Let’s Start 2020 “Confident as FU*K!”
If you’re interested, there are a few options!
My recommendation is to start by buying the book (link here) and joining the facebook group, where you’ll find our schedule! For this one, we’re going to have a discussion in the comments of a post with prompts each week in January, with it culminating in an online video chat with the author herself, Elle Russ (to be scheduled).
Of course, you can find confidence your own way, but we’re better together, right? Teamwork makes the dream work!
Also, it would be silly of me to not put in a little plug for my book… Especially since my hope in writing it was to empower people with the confidence you get from knowing you look your best (although in this case specifically, I’m under the assumption that this “best” occurs when your makeup is done well)! Check out my explanation here, a direct link to purchase from me here, and the link to the Kindle edition on Amazon here!
If neither of these books seems like a great fit, but you still have a thirst for knowledge, please check out the “Bold Moves Book List,” which is a work-in-progress list of books recommended by past podcast guests, here!
* The links you’re seeing are affiliate links, which means you get your normal price, but Jeff Bezos gets a little less because he has to share a TINY bit with ME! He’s a billionaire and I’m not, so feel free to click on one of my links every single time you need something from amazon. This month, I made like $10.67 from this affiliate situation, which is the most I’ve made, so I’m pretty jazzed about it, honestly. Let’s let that # grow! Thank you! 😘

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