As you can see, I am getting back into the rhythm of blogging more frequently, which is a great thing for sure! A while back, I started leading my personal development book club through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron*. Unfortunately, I got off track and we never finished it! Lately, I have been experiencing more of a call to be creative (think partially because I haven’t gotten to do much makeup since the pandemic, and partially because I actually have space now for creative projects since we bought a house, and also for another reason I’ll share later), so I feel that now’s the time to work through this book and complete it!
If you’re not familiar with The Artist’s Way, let me share a bit about it!
A writer basically started teaching workshops to help people through their creative blocks, and they were so successful that she ended up being urged to turn it into a book, after sending packets she made all over the world when people request them.
You don’t have to be an artist to participate, just someone who’s feeling a pull to do something creative. There are tons of different examples of people from a wide variety of professions who’ve channeled their inner furniture maker, writer, painter, musician, etc!
I’ve decided that I want this “second stab” at doing it together to take place starting December 20th… I like things starting on Mondays, that’s my dad’s birthday, and 12-20-2020 just seems magical to me!
I’ll be primarily running the challenge in my facebook group, but because I know many are facebook or social media-averse, I will be putting together an email list specifically for The Artist’s Way, which you can fill in the field below to join.
Basically, I'll be automatically emailing you the different discussion prompts we do in the facebook group, and if we decide to do a group zoom at any point, you'd be invited to that!
What you want to do with the prompts is up to you! I'd love to have a discussion around them, so commenting or hitting "reply" is ideal, but I also understand that those things take bravery, as does creating art, so if you've used all of your bravery quota for any particular day and just want to contemplate, that works for me too! I'll respect if you just want the The Artist's Way prompts and make a segment just for that, but if you want to hear from me about additional things (usually once a week on Tuesdays), you're welcome to join my regular list as well! Just check the extra boxes with your interests!
I really hope you join us, and can't wait to see what we create!
*Every time you see "The Artist's Way," it takes you to an affiliate link on Amazon. You get the same price and experience, plus the added joy that I get a few pennies tossed my way for making the recommendation. Score for both of us! However, if you choose to get it elsewhere, I recommend a local mom & pop shop and shopping small, or a thrift store! As much as I get excited by what little money I make online, the earth and small businesses need money more than Jeff Bezos does!

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