What’s a girl gotta do to become your makeup BFF? Hopefully, write a book is the answer, because that’s what I did! I am excited to share my news, and would really love and appreciate your support!
The backstory is this:
I am a makeup artist with just over 21 years experience…
That counts, right?
I’ve worked with a handful of celebrities, and my work has been published in some pretty cool places! So, I guess you could say I’m good at makeup!
I’m also a former teacher, and am working to complete my Master’s in Education.
AND… I’ve been building a writing portfolio! So, I know how to teach, and I know how to write decently, too!
In my wonderful life, I’ve encountered lots of ladies who have told me things like “I have no idea how to do my makeup,” and even before I was working as a professional makeup artist, I often helped friends get ready for different occasions by doing their makeup.
I’ve also met people who’ve shared that they are scared of stores like Sephora, and that they end up making purchases they later have no idea how to use. This woman’s video is a humorous and dramatic exaggeration, but I think part of what makes it so funny is that people can identify with how she feels!
Since I can’t be everywhere helping people get ready (though it sounds fun!), I was encouraged a while ago to make my own online makeup course, so I did! You can see it here, and this is a link if you want in!
Much like how I made a podcast after realizing I wasn’t my own target market for watching videos, I decided to make a book because I personally would rather read than take an online course!
As you can see, the book is called Best Face Forward: Basic Makeup Skills & Practical Looks From Your Makeup BFF! You can order a PDF ebook directly from me at the previous link, or click here to either purchase it on Amazon, or read it via Kindle Unlimited! It’s also on Apple Books here!
It may be clear from the title itself, but I share TONS of information about different makeup looks (how to do them, why, and where) as well as techniques, makeup philosophy, color theory, different brushes, and more!
If you end up reading it from either place, I’d of course love if you left a review on the site you got it from, as well as here on GoodReads, if you’re a member there!
And please share with anyone who you know who might wish they were better at doing their makeup! I want to empower as many people as I can to feel confident that they look their best!
Thank you in advance!
Mandie Brice

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