If you’re a longtime listener of the Bold Moves Podcast (and I hope you are), you may remember that I had Lisa Hyde, the host of The Confidence Crown Podcast on my show. She’s an incredible woman, as well as an author and a leader in the Rodan + Fields universe, and of course, a podcast host! She invited me to be interviewed on her show, and I was super excited to join! Read on for more!
If you’d like the backstory, you can check out Lisa Hyde as a guest on the Bold Moves Podcast here.
I loved joining her on her show! It’s always fascinating to me to see how different hosts run things, from the pre-interview communication, to the interview itself, to the post-interview wrap-up and episode promotion.
In our episode, we chatted about my story and my current transition into doing more remote-based work that is primarily online, in conjunction with some face-to-face makeup work.
We also talked about sales, and how it’s actually very helpful to people to sell them things, if you have a great product and are meeting actual needs.
We discussed Multilevel Marketing/Direct Sales home-based businesses, and how they can help people in many ways!
And of course, my passion – personal development – was a huge topic of conversation, since my story, my online makeup course, and both of my books (the makeup book and the goal-setting book) both came up as well!
I absolutely loved chatting with Lisa, and am always so happy to meet other wonderful women who happily build up other ladies – we need more of that!
I can’t tell you more about it – you have to listen yourself! It’s on Apple Podcasts here, and Mad Mimi here!
I hope you love it, and would love to hear what you think about my appearance on The Confidence Crown Podcast!

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