It’s still January, are you a New Year’s resolution person? If so, how are you doing with them? One of the things that make them hard to keep is if you aren’t enjoying the journey. I’ll be honest – as much as I love goals, goalsetting, productivity, and all of those resolution-esque things, for a lot of mine, I just don’t! however, I have been doing some soul-searching, and have found a way how to enjoy the journey of getting to your goals, even if what you are doing feels like hard work most of the time! In my book Destination: Dream Life (available here on my site, or here on Amazon), I share that one of the key parts to deciding what your goals should be is thinking about how you feel each day. Here’s more on How to Enjoy the Journey When You Don’t Love the Work.
One of my goals is to increase my financial abundance. Now, for the most part, the different things that you would generally think would increase financial abundance (getting a job, starting a side hustle, getting better at investments, etc.) are not what most of us call fun! So, aside from sheer drive to have the outcome, how do you stay motivated to do that every day if it isn’t fun?
My recommendation is to think about how you will feel once you have achieved your goal. So, if I want to feel rich, I should infuse my days as I work toward financial abundance with things that make me feel rich!
For example, I have a pair of silk pajamas that were gifted to me from a modeling gig I did. Wearing them around the house like a non-toxic, non-problematic Hugh Hefner makes me feel fancy and rich. This is the case even if I am working on my financial literacy (like with methods from past podcast guest Ashley Feinstein Gerstley), adding money to my Acorns account, or doing my writing side gigs that help me increase my bank accounts!
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The example I use in my Destination: Dream Life (here? Amazon?) book is springing for extra guacamole at chipotle. However, I would do these behaviors in moderation! Obviously, extra guac does not cost that much money, but it adds up! You don’t want to make negative progress toward your goals by doing things that are counterproductive to them. So a shopping spree to buy a high-end purse might make me feel rich, but if it does damage to my overall wealth, I would not recommend it!
My recommendation is to take a look at your 2022 goals, or your goals for the first quarter, or however you have it set up, and decide how you want to feel. Then brainstorm a list of things that you can do before you achieve those goals that help you feel the same way you desire to feel by doing that thing! Hopefully, this can help you sustain your motivation, and keep doing what you need to do to make it through the work part, and stick to your resolutions!
That’s how to enjoy the journey toward achieving your goals, even if it feels like work! So, how do you want to feel? And what are you going to do this week to feel that way while you work on your goals? Comment below!
Again – stay tuned for more blogs! As you can see, I have a bit more momentum going… perhaps it’s because I figured out How to Enjoy the Journey When You Don’t Love the Work! 😘 (JK… I love blogging… What helped the most so far has been dictating blog posts while walking Q and Charlo around the neighborhood!).
Mandie Brice

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